Giving Back

We Love Giving Back!

At Scenic Acres Dental Centre, our exceptional dental team believes in giving back to the local Scenic Acres community.

We have contributed the following to worthy local organizations by providing:

  • Team and event sponsorships
  • Supplies
  • Product baskets for silent auction items
  • Certificates/gift cards for services for silent auction items
  • Monetary donations
  • Volunteer time
  • Promotions
  • Educate children about oral health at Daycares & Local Schools.

Giving back to our community is important to us. If you have questions for our team or would like sponsorship for an event, we invite you to contact us.

Our Giving Back Picture Gallery!

Some Recent Events We Have Been Involved With Are!

  • We adopted a family through Closer To Home. The entire Scenic Acres Team shopped for gifts for a family which we were matched with.
  • McHappy Day – Donated to the McDonalds on TransCanada for McHappy Day – an organization that raises money for Ronald McDonald House and Sick Kids.
  • Scenic Acres Community Association Stampede BBQ – We were a Platinum sponsor of this neighborhood event
  • We participate in the World Partnership Walk and donates to the AGA Khan foundation
  • We were donors to the Scenic Acres Community Association for two other community events – The Children’s Christmas Party and The Seniors Christmas Lunch
  • We donated goody bags and Silent Auction gifts to several community Hockey Teams – part of the Northwest Warriors Minor Hockey Association
  • We donated toothbrushes and floss to one of our patients who travels to Mexico each year to aid underprivileged children.
  • We donated to the Humboldt Broncos Go Fund Me Campaign and wore our jerseys and green ribbons for the Memorial Day.
  • We did a Halloween Candy Buy-Back for the community and donated all the Candy we collected to the Switch Witch Program – this program collects candy to make goody bags for children and their families staying at the Children’s Hospital.
  • We participated in an Alex Bus day – The Alex is a community association that identifies and provides dental care to children who cannot otherwise have access to it or afford it.  Offices donate their location, dental supplies, and equipment, and staff to do a treatment day at no charge for these kids.
  • We are a Platinum Sponsor of the Silver Springs BBQ for Neighbours Day
  • We donated 500 water bottles to the Norwest Soccer Association
  • We went to local Daycares in our Community for Career Day
  • We are giving back to Seniors with custom gift boxes for Xmas 2023

Giving Back is Important To Us! Contact Us To See How We Can Help Your Community Event.

For More Information or To Book An Appointment

Contact Us  OR CALL  (403) 233-6825

Get in touch

    Our Address

    8541 Scurfield Drive NW
    Calgary, Alberta
    T3L 1Z6
    (403) 233-6825
    (403) 241-0839

    Our Hours

    Monday: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm

    Tuesday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm

    Wednesday: 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

    Thursday: 7:00 am to 4:30 pm

    Friday: 8:00 am to 3:30 pm

    Saturday*: Closed

    Sunday: Closed

    Our Caring & Friendly Team
    Welcomes You!

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